DOB: 2/28/49
DOD: 6/24/15
Jeanne Skidmore Hoepner, 66, died June 24, 2015 shortly after falling at home and injuring her head.
If you would like to know more about Jeanne's life and loves, you may listen to her memorial service online at: www.lakesidebiblechurch.org.
Click on RESOURCES and SERMONS then click on LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD. Scroll down and click on "6/29/15 - Jeanne Hoepner Memorial Service".
Carter Hill
George...What a great tribute to Jeanne. Brings back a lot of great memories! Thanks for sharing!
Wendy Clare (Richards)
Thank-you so much, George,for sharing. What a beautiful, selfless woman she was. Your daughter did such a remarkable job - her mom would have been so proud and humbled. Our thoughts go out to all of you as you move on without her huge presence in your lives. Wendy and Randy RichardsLinda Johnson (Benoit)
To Dennis Hoepner to brother George:
Hi Dennis/George: I like this "around the fence" approach to getting word to George on the horrific loss of his beloved wife Jeanne.
I have searched the Church files and never did I find info on Jeanne or her Memorial Service. I did however, realize that the Church you are affilitated with is a strong "Believers/Born Again" church. I too attend an Amazing Christ Filled and Bible Teaching (Expository Teaching) Church here in Lynchburg, VA.
Calvary Chapel of Lynchburg, VA.
I now know then that Jeanne walked with Jesus on this earth and now walks with Him in Heaven.
May you endure and have the Peace that passes ALL Understanding.
Linda Johnson Benoit
Lila Stevens (Chamberlain)
I found the service. Go to Resources and then Sermons, scroll down to the 6/29/15 date and you should see the audio to listen to.
Lila Stevens (Chamberlain)
Once you click on Resources and Sermons, at the bottom it shows Listen or Download, click on that and it will bring up all the available audios to listen to, then scroll down to 6/29/15 and click on the date to listen to the service. HOpe this helps all who are attempting to listen to the service.
Jean Behnke (Wisnewski)
Thank you so much for the link to this beautiful memorial to Jeanne. What a true blessing she was. Cherish your memories. May God Bless you and help ease your sorrow.
Cindy Clarke (Vergenz)
Today my husband and I listened to Jeanne's memorial service online. We laughed, we cried and felt your terrible loss and how loved she was. Thank you for sharing with us. Cindy V.
Dan Hall
Thanks George for posting the memorial service honoring your dear Jeanne and our Lord. What a wonderful salvation story regarding the strangers who came to the door! There are a lot of us midwesterners who are like Jeanne and you, We went to church all our growing up years where we learned about God but somehow failed to learn about His wonderful love, amazing grace, and the fact that He is not just a hazy etherial granfatherly figure but someone who sent His as a sacrificial ambassodor so that we could enjoy a deep wants to have a personal relationship Him for this life and for eternity. I highly recommend that all classmates take the time to listen to the memorial service - it truly describes a life well lived.
Patricia (Trish) Drury (Franck)
Pat(Trish)Drury Franck here. I didn't know Jeanne well but remember her smile and that she was a friendly person. I'm so sorry about her death. Know I'm posting rather belatedly but just started reading about her death today, 2/13. Want to add to what some have been saying about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior in November of 1968. Living for Him is what makes life worth living. It's wonderful to know that Jeanne is celebrating her "new life" with Jesus in heaven.
Margaret White (Grudem)
I was shocked when we received George’s email telling us of Jeanne's
death. I remember her kindness, her sweet smile with a twinkle in her eye. But like so many others I am thankful for the link to her funeral because it allowed us to know who she had become.
At age 24 she asked Jesus into her life, and at the funeral people said to know Jeanne was to know Jesus. She had a gift of mercy and she loved serving others. But what touched me the most was the love she had for her family, especially her love for George and the delight she took in his love for her, and also her love for her children Mike and Kelly. She was intentional in being their mom and teaching them what was right, but she was also total fun. Kelly said that her mom always prayed for our family. At the funeral, her grandchildren read the verses that she had loved. It was a gift to them always to remember that she was a woman of God’s Word.
It was said that Jeanne was looking forward to heaven. Philippians 1:21 says, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Her hope was in heaven.
Margaret (White) Grudem