In Memory

Dr. Robert Neubauer III

Dr. Robert Neubauer III

DOB:  7/08/1949

DOD:  8/23/2020


No obituary was written. 

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01/28/22 01:34 PM #5    

Jean Behnke (Wisnewski)

I do remember Bob from HS and remember him as a nice person.  So very sorry to hear of his passing.  Thoughts and prayers to family and friends.  God Bless.

01/28/22 03:02 PM #6    

Linda Johnson (Benoit)

I am so sorry to hear this.  I was in a few classes with Robert and he was not only brilliant but so funny.  We had good times.

01/28/22 04:00 PM #7    

Sue Monty (Thomasgard)

I am so sorry to hear of Bob Neubauer's death.  Bob was a close friend in high school, and I am so happy we had a chance to sit and catch up with each other at breakfast at the hotel during our 50th class reunion weekend.  He was a talented, intelligent, kind good person, and I am sure he will be missed by all who knew him.

01/29/22 10:19 AM #8    

Pam Peterson (Weiss)

I didn't know Bob but I'm always saddened with the loss of another classmate. I haven't been to any reunions but think I need to attend this year . . not sure if anyone would remember me but I recall so many of my classmates and friends. RIP Dr. Bob . . . 

01/29/22 11:18 AM #9    

Patrick Bilbrey

So soory to hear of Robert's passing. I remember having him in some of my classes. I remember him as a great guy who had a sense of humor..


01/29/22 04:13 PM #10    

Julie Wollum (Holzinger)

Who could ever forget Bob!  He was intelligent, funny and could carry on a conversation about just about anything.  And who could forget his signature briefcase that he carried from class to class.  Bob was an idividual that truly liked people - all kinds of different people.  He seemed to be so comfortable with who he was even back then when so many of us weren't at all sure about our identity.  The world has lost a wonderful idividual who, undoubtedly, influenced a lot of lives.  Memories of Bob will always bring a smile to those of us who were blessed to know him. 

01/29/22 04:24 PM #11    

Ron Halpern

The news of Bob Neubauer's passimg was abspolutely devastating to me.

Bob was one of my closest friends in high school. We interacted socially, and in every other way.  He and I were debate partners for three years on the MHS debate and forensics teams.  But more than that, we were confidants.  There was almost nothing about life, and its "slings and arrows",  that we couldn't, and wouldn't,  share with each other. The summer of our senior year, the two of us, together with John Hoeppner, went camping a few times at this spot we thought we had "discovered" along one of the rivers.  Imagine our surprise and chagrin when, one one trip, we discovered a bunch of used prophylactics under a tree near where we camped. Not only had somebody else"discovered" our camping spot, they had obviously had a much better time there than we ever did!

Once again, fate and fortune has reminded us that our time here is short, and we must do our best to make the most fo every day that is granted to us.


Rest in peace, my dear friend.






01/29/22 05:38 PM #12    

Mark Ortiz

I probably had quite a few classes with Bob, but the one that stands out in my memory was Debate, which I only took my sophomore year.  Like others here, I remember Bob as a nice person with a good sense of humor, and highly intelligent and articulate.  RIP

01/31/22 11:10 AM #13    

Margaret White (Grudem)

Wayne and I have wonderful memories of Bob.  We were in debate together and had classes together.  He was fun and kind and a joy to be with.  May God bless those who are left behind and give us peace and comfort.  

01/31/22 11:14 AM #14    

Margaret White (Grudem)

We have wonderful memories of Bob.  We were in debate with Bob and had classes with him.  He was fun and kind and always brought joy.  Praying for comfort for his family.

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